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Websites & Online Stores

Captivate Your Customers and Drive Sales

Websites are vital to businesses today. A well-designed one conveys a professional image and provides valuable information to customers. It can improve brand awareness and contribute to your online presence. In addition, a high quality website can give you a critical edge over competitors when appealing to prospective clients and customers.

At Poickeus, we don’t just build websites. We engage clients in a planning process to determine their overall objectives and potential challenges that could manifest during the process. Then we develop a range of solutions to offer the client to provide flexibility.

Our solutions are custom-built and our team of specialists use their experience and unique perspectives to deliver a tailored design you will be happy with. Our websites are optimized to help you convert your visitors into paying customers.

We also offer e-commerce solutions, which can be found below.

Our website packages include:

We use Elementor, a powerful and user-friendly page builder, to design and create beautiful, high-performing sites for our clients.

With Elementor, we can build custom web pages that are visually appealing, responsive, and optimized for search engines. This means that our clients can expect a website that not only looks great, but also performs well in terms of speed, functionality, and user experience.

Ely Vanloo

Ely Vanloo

Lead Digital Marketing Specialist

“Using Elementor also allows us to streamline the web development process, which means faster turnaround times and more affordable pricing for our customers.”

Creating a website with WordPress

We create websites using WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system (CMS). WordPress has a large network of developers supporting it, enabling a wide range of customization options and adaptability, making it possible to build impressive, yet cost-effective solutions.

The web pages we produce are built with search engine visibility in mind, ensuring they achieve top rankings in search results. To do this, we take the time to design and produce each page individually, ensuring their quality and performance are up to industry standards.

Our experts provide a worry-free setup experience, taking care of everything needed to prepare your website for launch and providing you with peace of mind.


Omamehu website
WordPress logo
Elementor logo
WooCommerce logo

Online shopping

Selling products and services online (e-commerce) is a powerful modern tool for businesses, and customer demand for online storefronts is growing rapidly. Online sales not only support an offline store, but also make it possible to operate without a physical storefront.

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As the world becomes increasingly digital, online shopping has become a key part of a successful business strategy. At Poickeus, we specialize in helping companies build their online presence and maximize visibility. Our experience in building web pages and online stores has also taught us valuable insights in understanding how to create a better user experience.

The world of e-commerce can seem daunting and tedious to manage, which is why we use a holistic approach when addressing our clients’ needs. From website design to search engine optimization to content creation, we take care of everything needed to build a user-friendly, visually appealing online store, tailored exclusively to your business.

For an online store to succeed, it must also establish a strong online presence. That’s why our digital marketing team also offers client support for social media, search engine marketing and advertising on Google.

Cookie banner and GDPR

If you’re a website owner, you need to be aware of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its requirements for cookie notice banners and privacy policies. These features are critical for compliance with data protection laws, and failure to comply can result in costly fines and legal penalties.

At our agency, we offer GDPR-compliant cookie notice banners and privacy policies to help our clients stay compliant and protect their customers’ data. Our cookie banner solutions are designed to be non-intrusive and customizable, ensuring that your website visitors are aware of the cookies being used on your site and giving them the ability to control their preferences.

Our privacy policy templates are tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring that your customers understand how their data is collected, stored, and used. We provide clear language and easy-to-understand explanations to make compliance easy and hassle-free.

With our cookie notice banners and privacy policies, you can demonstrate your commitment to data protection and build trust with your customers. Don’t leave compliance to chance – let us help you stay on the right side of the law and protect your business from legal risks.

Do you now what cookies are used on your website?

Stay compliant with GDPR and CCPA by letting us scan and identify the cookies used on your website. Our experts can help ensure your website meets legal requirements.

Web design showcase

Schedule a consultation

Starting a business online can be complex and time consuming if you’re not familiar with the process. If you’d like a helping hand in navigating its complexities, feel free to schedule a consultation with our experts today!

By submitting a contact request, I agree that the personal information I provide will be processed in accordance with our privacy policy.

Happy to help you!

Picture of Ely Vanloo

Ely Vanloo

Lead Digital Marketing Specialist

Picture of Jami Vesterinen

Jami Vesterinen

Graphic Designer

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Varaa aika ilmaiseen konsultaatioon! Alkukartoituksen aikana pohdimme kanssanne sopivimman ratkaisun ongelmanne ratkaisemiseksi.

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Humppilan Terveysasema

Humppilantie 24, 31640 Humppila

Iittalan terveysasema

Alvarinkuja, 14500 Hämeenlinna

Rengon terveysasema

Rengonraitti 28, 14300 Hämeenlinna

Riihimäen pääterveysasema

Kontiontie 77, 11100 Riihimäki

Tervakosken terveysasema

Kivimiehentie 2, 12400 Tervakoski

Janakkalan terveysasema

Tapailanpiha 13 B, 14200 Janakkala

Idänpään terveysasema

Anttilankatu 4, 13210 Hämeenlinna


Pappilanniementie 9, 13880 Hattula


Vihniöntie 5, 14700 Hauho

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