Search engine marketing

To reach a larger audience of online users and potential customers, it’s best for your website to appear at the top of search engine results. Search engine visibility can be improved with search engine optimization and search engine advertising.

Ely Vanloo

Ely Vanloo

Lead Digital Marketing Specialist

“Search engine marketing is one of the cornerstones of digital success, enabling businesses to navigate the competitive landscape and being visible to potential customers at all times.”

What is search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to methods used to improve a website’s ranking in a list of search results, more formally known as Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

When selecting which website to view on a search’s first results page, the majority of clicks tend to be on the top result, while the remainder are divided among the rest. Organic (unpaid) visibility in search results is free advertising.

However, it requires offering higher quality content than competitors to succeed. This will also positively affect the results of paid search engine advertising services like Google Ads.

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Search engine marketing 2

Did you know?

Websites made by us score

0 +

in average for both mobile and desktop

Verkkosivujen optimoinnin tuloksia
Search engine marketing 3

How are websites optimized for search engines?

Search engines operate by referencing a search’s terms while checking websites for possible matches. Each website gets ranked based on keywords in its content and how relevant they are to the search. More relevant keywords and high site quality (as defined by Google’s best practices) will lead to a higher ranking in the search results. Technical optimization aims to meet the quality standards of performance (i.e. page loading speed), accessibility and user experience.

Identifying the best keywords for your website helps inform you of what adjustments to make to your content, which drives positive user experiences and a higher conversion rate.

If you already have a web analytics service to measure website traffic (e.g. Google Analytics, Matomo), the insights collected through them are a valuable resource for making data-driven decisions to improve the page quality. Thorough keyword analysis is one of the most important components of a successful search engine optimization strategy.

Request a consultation

If you need an audit of your website’s performance, assistance with improving its search engine visibility or interpreting its visitor data, please contact our experts to schedule a consultation.

Together we will determine the best solution for your needs.

By submitting a contact request, I agree that the personal information I provide will be processed in accordance with our privacy policy.

Happy to help!

Picture of Ely Vanloo

Ely Vanloo

Lead Digital Marketing Specialist

Picture of Jami Vesterinen

Jami Vesterinen

Graphic Designer

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