Unleash the 3d

Have a 3D revolution on your website. We do the future right and want you to be a part of it!

Touch the bird? Yes please!

3D graphic image of a 3D model made for WellO2 device
Probe Cover
Probe Base
Left mouse: Rotate
Mouse scroll: Zoom
Right mouse: Pan camera
Explode Reveal hotspots

Touch is inspiration

60% of shoppers are more likely to buy a product after trying it out in 3D or Augmented Reality.

3D graphic image of a 3D model made for WellO2 device 3D graphic image of a 3D model made for WellO2 device
3D graphic image of a 3D model made for WellO2 device
Basic Educational Premium

Primary 3D

This is the most basic of our 3D services line-up. It includes the work to make a basic interactive 3D model of your product and preparing it for your website.

Educational 3D

Educational 3D is for you if you have a more complex product and you want to make the 3D experience even more immersive. One additional click and your customer can disassemble the product model and see “hotspots” or highlighted parts of the product.

Premium 3D

If you are looking for the premium 3D model for your product, the best experience for your customer and the biggest boost for your sales. This is for you! This has everything the lower tiers offer but with additional customization possibilities from toggle able backgrounds, color and texture options. The Tier 3 model has it all.

convert more sales


conversion increase merchants see after adding a 3D configuration.

The websites with the highest conversion rates are those where customers can look at the product the way they would as if held physically.


higher conversions than those earned by 2D solutions.

The study also revealed that being able to see the product in 3D increased customer satisfaction ratings with the shopping experience itself.


reduction in rate of product returns.

With 360° 3D rendering, what you see is what you get. As companies struggle to reduce return rates without raising their costs or changing return policies, 3D rendering technology allows customers to make more informed decisions when it comes to purchases.

*Shopify, The Harris Poll on behalf of Threekit

Ota yhteyttä

Revolution is right around the corner.

Lähettäessäni yhteydenottopyynnön hyväksyn, että antamiani henkilötietoja käsitellään tietosuojakäytäntömme mukaisesti.
Edellinen Seuraava
Test Caption
Test Description goes like this

Varaa aika ilmaiseen konsultaatioon! Alkukartoituksen aikana pohdimme kanssanne sopivimman ratkaisun ongelmanne ratkaisemiseksi.

Lähettäessäni yhteydenottopyynnön hyväksyn, että antamiani henkilötietoja käsitellään tietosuojakäytäntömme mukaisesti.

Humppilan Terveysasema

Humppilantie 24, 31640 Humppila

Iittalan terveysasema

Alvarinkuja, 14500 Hämeenlinna

Rengon terveysasema

Rengonraitti 28, 14300 Hämeenlinna

Riihimäen pääterveysasema

Kontiontie 77, 11100 Riihimäki

Tervakosken terveysasema

Kivimiehentie 2, 12400 Tervakoski

Janakkalan terveysasema

Tapailanpiha 13 B, 14200 Janakkala

Idänpään terveysasema

Anttilankatu 4, 13210 Hämeenlinna


Pappilanniementie 9, 13880 Hattula


Vihniöntie 5, 14700 Hauho

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